E-Commerce Secrets

Site name (Domain)

Site name is the name which is entered to Search Engine or written directly to the address line of web browser. Access to sites is provided with the address consisting of numbers (IP), however, these numbers cannot be memorized. Searching; redirected to the server(DNS – Domain Name Server) that hosts your site. You can access your IP number from there.

Site  names , which are  simple , catchy, easy to say and write , makes your job easier..İ.e. : okluzal.com. A name that suits your business or company name as the name of the site is recommended. The name of the site you can get in five minutesWhile getting your site name; you should have a credit card. Moreover, your site name must contain the name of your company .If someone else gets the name of the site, it may cause a problem for you. (The annual operating cost)


Hosting is a virtual place where you can add site contents. A space is needed at the Internet such as a shop lease In real life.  You can rent a warehouse according to storage size and traffic rank. If you wish , you can receive the hosting service according to e-mail  that you sent  or received.. (The annual operating cost.)


E-Commerce Software

A software that provides to display your products. You can upload the products' images , cost and explanations thenks to the this software. This software should be satiesfy your bussines logic. For example ; The customer that buy retail and the customer that buy wholesale  should be different... (Overhead cost.)

Static and Dedicated IP

Which is given to you to use only a fixed address on all over the World. companies that offers hosting service should have this. This address is a obligation in order to get the information for virtual payment (Vpos) and SSL.. (The annual operating cost)

SSL - Secure Socket Layer

It is a socket that provides the security between your customer's web browser and web server that hosts your site. Information, which is transferred between the server and visitor, is encrypted according to SSL rules to provide secure data communication. Padlock, which you will see anywhere in the web browser, indicates the presence of an formal SSL certificate. You can obtain detailed information about the certificate by clicking the lock images. SSL, provides the encryption of client's user name, password, credit card information and even all session information. (The annual operating cost)

Virtual Payment (Vpos)

The customer enters the credit card information in the form of payments on the site. This information is encrypted with SSL and delivered to the customer's bank. If the customer account is available then the bank give approval for the payment. The received payment is transfered into the your virtual payment account.  The notification returns into the your E-Commerce software.Secure socket layer , which is the significiant part of virtual payment , prevent others to get your informations.Then E-Commerce software transfers  customer's order into the sale and enables transport service. (The annual operating cost)

Product delivery

The customer starts to wait for the product. Supply of sold goods or production, packaging, regulation bill  and getting ready for ship is your job. You can give information to the customer by updating these works on your e-commerce software sequantially. If you wish, you can send informational messages with short message system. You also convey this information by electronic mail, this way is cheaper. (Staff costs)


After your product is packaged , you can sent the product with a cargo company. A good cargo company sould satiesfy some properties. For example;  safety of the product ,time interval of the transportation , pay at the door etc. (Cost of the sold product.)



Working and bonding rules of SSL and VPOS libraries are added to your e-Commerce software as a program library. (The annual operating cost)


Information of products should be installed on e-Commerce software. If you import or manufacture, this is your job. If you a brokerage, you should obtain product information from manufacturer or importer. Information should be obtained in a certain and often order. The sheer number of product types and the frequency of exchange of information make it difficult to hand this work. Information that comes from a certain order can be transferred to an e-commerce system via additional programmes. This is called integration. (The staff and the cost of sold goods)

Help Center

In a good e-commerce software should satisfy customers' requirements , complaints and wishes. Help center can be in three other ways : e-mail , on-line conversation and instant texting. However , telephone is the most satisfying way according to the surveys. Customers are more relax while speaking a human.However ,  this system has a problem . Speaking on the phone is costly. For example the supporting system ; 444 00 00 ; costs 40 penny per minute.Moreover , the queue may be appear and people waiting on the phone line may get angry while they are waiting . This may be solved by increasing the supporting operator. (Management and personal cost.)

SEO-Search Engine Optimization

Site that finds whatever you search on the Internet is called search engine. The well-known search engines are google.com, yahoo.com and bing.com. To make your site visible in the search results rankings, you must register on search engines with words that best reminiscent of the content.

This is the point of the work that knots. To receive searches in the first place, you need to be pointed by other sites and also you should point that sites(link). However, you need not to overdo! You should update the contents of the site as much as possible. Stale site is doomed to decline. You should create a simple and unique content as much as possible! You may not have stolen content. Submit just as the content of your work! (Management and personnel cost.)


You can advertise your site on the other sites , you can get ads into the your site but you can not turn your site into the advertising paper.  Because getting more and more ads may be costs you.Prospective customer may bored from your advertisement and leave your web site. (Management and personal cost.)


Another way of pursuit of customer is to send an electronic mail. However, this channel should be used  at regular intervals and the person who do not want to receive e-mail , shoul not distrubeted by these mails.Every letter must contain separate subjects..  (Cost of the sold product.)



Appearance and functioning mechanism of your site, that's the whole story! Allows you to create the difference. Content is a place that you can show all of your skills. If you have done the above steps properly but the content is the jerry-built, you don't think about this job! Because the investment will just be puncturing for you. ( Operating cost)

Thats all we know about e-commerce for today. We wish lucrative e-commerce.

22/06/2013 8876


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