Five jobs that the leader will do at the and of the day!

1. Review what you do today.

Your goal is not to spend time in eight hours in the workplace!

Conversely, daily overtime is your most valuable investment tool. Have you had a successful working today? 

What did you do to be successful?

Come on, let's do a review!

Look for solutions to accomplish an important job; extract useless options. If you have found a good way to success, reward yourself!

2. Designate priorities of tomorrow.

Do not ever leave your place of business before prepare the  business plan of tomorrow. Prepare a list of needs for success. It is not usual to-do list! For best results, designing an operational plan is the attribute of leadership.

3.Probe the team's day.

Day should not be completely up to you! Use the last hour of the day for team communication.By doing a level-chat, make them feel your awareness about day which they spent. This, allows you to get a slow but long distance for success.


4. Figure out the waiting mails.

Figure out the waiting postal and e-letters. A large part of them gives actual information. Read and delete. Takes no more than ten minutes.Some of them require monitoring, and an informative. Keep them in a separate folder, when it comes time to look at it. This process also does not cost you more than ten minutes. The last group are the letters to be answered. Please write the answer to them. Although this group takes the maximum time, deadlock on the quarter hour. If you collect emails, you will miss a lot of work or emails get lost in time.

5. Please contact with your partners.

Honor people who you love and respect, accept as a leader,  your management board members and supporters of mind  with a tiny little message or electronic mail.
You will be successful if you does not disrupt this discipline each day.

(Liderin Yolculuğu -Scott COCHRANE, A Leader's Journey-)

(Çeviri : İbrahim SARI)

17/06/2013 3351


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